Sunday, November 16, 2008


well i just got back from the meet in colorado and i never want to be in a car for that long again. i did alot better than i thought i would at the meet, i had a preety good day and the boards were nice which helped alot. i took eigth on one meter out of twelve and second on three meter. we recorded the meet, so i might be posting that soon too.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

First out of state meet.

you might have noticed that most of my posts, ok maybe all of them, are about diving. thats because it has become my life. haha but tomorro i leave for my frist out of atate meet, and my first AAU meet ( age group) AND my first meet where i have to dive 3 meter. so you can imagine im kind of a wreck haha. The meet is called the sagebrush invite, Which is held in Arvada CO. im traveling with one of my diving freinds dayna, who is amazing. im thinking im gonna go to the meet and just have fun, i kinda already know im going to get slaughtered, especially on three meter but im going more for the experience and not so mcu to win =]

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Meet results

well my dive meet yesterday was pretty exciting... Nic hit his arms on the board doing gainer 1 1/2, so that in itself is pretty exciting, and the fact that he finished the meet and still creamed everyone by thirty points is awesome! i also took first, only because dayna (state champ for two years now) wasn't there, she had a recruting trip with notre dame... But i did win by twenty five points and i didnt even do my hard list, i kinda just did what i absolutely had to and left out all the really hard stuff haha so all together it was a freakin sweet meet. i also did a photo shoot on saturday for the car club that im in. we did it out on rocky mountain raceway with zacs honda del sol, its a really hot car.( check it out at i had so much fun!! and im going to get my own poster =] im not sure when they'll be out but hopefully itll be soon. let me know if you want one.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The madness has begun

so i had the first dive meet last week and did pretty well, i took second. even though it wasn't a qualifying meet it felt good to get that first one over with. i have my first real one nov. 1 in park city, and boy am i nervous haha mostly cuz i dont know what my competition is like... hopefully i will do good this year

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just getting started

Well i decided to start this blog because of my older siblings that have started to blog. And i figure this will be a good way to keep them updated on whats going on in my busy high school life. Right now i've been especially busy as high school diving season has creeped up on me, fast! my first qualifying dive meet is november the first at park city... that being only two weeks away ive been diving for two hours three times a week. And stressing about getting some high difficulty dives.

Along with still working at Onstage and keeping my grades up i've become an even bigger fan of microwaveable food. haha so has my mom, now that she's gone back to school i don't see her to often either. This year almost seems like my first year of college unlike most seniors who have only the required classes i'm taking a Pharmacy tech class, which has turned out to be alot harder than i thought, AP literature and Language Medical Termonology Math 1010/1050 Honors Chemistry and of coarse seminary. Somehow between homework, work, and diving, i still manage to have some fun. Me and Aimee have had a few crazy adventures lately, but don't worry nothing too crazy... mostly just stuff like spray painting a giant red U on a lawn that was all decked out in BYU stuff. haha that was fun. Me and nic have been dating for about a month now, and things are going really well, he's more like my best friend, and my parents love him.