Sunday, November 2, 2008

Meet results

well my dive meet yesterday was pretty exciting... Nic hit his arms on the board doing gainer 1 1/2, so that in itself is pretty exciting, and the fact that he finished the meet and still creamed everyone by thirty points is awesome! i also took first, only because dayna (state champ for two years now) wasn't there, she had a recruting trip with notre dame... But i did win by twenty five points and i didnt even do my hard list, i kinda just did what i absolutely had to and left out all the really hard stuff haha so all together it was a freakin sweet meet. i also did a photo shoot on saturday for the car club that im in. we did it out on rocky mountain raceway with zacs honda del sol, its a really hot car.( check it out at i had so much fun!! and im going to get my own poster =] im not sure when they'll be out but hopefully itll be soon. let me know if you want one.

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